Summer Update – Fieldwork

Hey everyone!

Just posting a quick update to say we are into the fieldwork season! The Durham folks are almost a month into fieldwork, and the Chicago folks just completed their week two. We have already looked at a ton of trees and have lots of interesting questions to dive into in the next few months.

I want to give a special shoutout to the technicians working with me in Durham and Chicago:

Durham Crew (Duke University/Nature Conservancy): 

Chloe Schueller, Lucie Ciccone, Maggio Laquidara

Chicago Crew (Morton Arboretum/Nature Conservancy): 

Andrea Nunes, Elizabeth Huang

I’ll post more updates towards the end of the field season, but look out for some fieldwork photos and hopefully some fun new data in the next few months!

Bonus – early fieldwork photos: 


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