Author: rpkamakura

  • Starting Science Policy Fellowship at GCOOS

    Starting Science Policy Fellowship at GCOOS

    After a wonderful training in Washington DC with the other Science Policy Fellows, I am now in College Station, TX starting work with the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS)! I am excited to work with the team here connecting marine heatwaves to coastal and nearshore terrestrial temperatures. I will be focusing on…

  • Successfully Defended Ph.D.!

    Successfully Defended Ph.D.!

    I have successfully defended by Ph.D. in Ecology from Duke University! I will be spending this summer wrapping up projects from my dissertation, and will share updates on those projects as I wrap them up. For those who are curious, you can see a recording of my public defense talk below. This fall, I will…

  • Summer Update – Fieldwork

    Summer Update – Fieldwork

    Hey everyone! Just posting a quick update to say we are into the fieldwork season! The Durham folks are almost a month into fieldwork, and the Chicago folks just completed their week two. We have already looked at a ton of trees and have lots of interesting questions to dive into in the next few…

  • Fall Update

    Fall Update

    Hey everyone! I figured I’d share a quick update about how things have progressed in the last few months. With support from the Garden Club of American and Casey Trees’s Zone VI Fellowship in Urban Forestry, we had a successful field season over the summer. Working with two research technician fellows hired through the Morton Arboretum we…

  • Hello!


      Hello everyone! Just starting out this webpage so it’ll probably take a little while to get it all filled out. It’s a work in progress. In lieu of a finished webpage, here is a picture of the butterfly garden in the Singapore airport. I sadly didn’t get much of a chance to explore the…